Bên cạnh Phân tích đề thi "spend their leisure time with their colleagues" IELTS WRITING (kèm bài viết thi thật HS đạt 6.0), IELTS TUTOR cũng cung cấp Tổng hợp Section 2 IELTS LISTENING.
I. Kiến thức liên quan
II. Tổng hợp Section 2 IELTS LISTENING (Phần 3 - Từ đề 54 đến hết)
1. Bài 1
Questions 11 - 13
Tick the THREE other items which are mentioned in the news headlines.
A ☐ Rivers flood in the north
B ☒ Money promised for drought victims
C ☐ Nurses on strike in Melbourne
D ☐ Passengers rescued from ship
E ☐ Passengers rescued from plane
F ☐ Bus and train drivers national strike threat
G ☐ Teachers demand more pay
H ☐ New uniform for QANTAS staff
I ☐ National airports under new management
Questions 14-21
Complete the notes below by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in the spaces provided.
The Government plans to give (14) $ ............................................. to assist the farmers. This money was to be spent on improving Sydney’s (15) ................................................ but has now been re-allocated.
Australia has experienced its worst drought in over fifty years. Farmers say that the money will not help them because it is (16) .......................................................
An aeroplane which was carrying a group of (17) ......................... was forced to land just (18) ............. minutes after take-off. The passengers were rescued by (19) ....................... The operation was helped because of the good weather. The passengers thanked the (20) ................... for saving their lives but unfortunately, they lost their (21) ........................
2. Bài 2
Questions 11-20
Complete the notes below. Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
There are many kinds of bicycles available:
- racing
- touring
- (11) ..............................................
- ordinary
They vary in price and (12) .................................................
Prices range from $50.00 to (13) ..........................................
Single speed cycles are suitable for (14) .................................
Three speed cycles are suitable for (15) ..................................
Five and ten speed cycles are suitable for longer distances, hills and (16) ..............................................
Ten speed bikes are better because they are (17) ............................ in price but (18) .......................................
Buying a cycle is like (19) ..................................
The size of the bicycle is determined by the size of the (20) ..............................................
3. Bài 3
Question 13 – 23
Complete the notes below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Date the museum was opened (13) ................................
The museum consists of a building and (14) ..................................
Handicapped toilet door shows Example: a wheelchair
The Education Centre is signposted by (15) ..............................
If you lose your friends, meet at the (16) ....................................
Warning about The Vampire (17) .............................................
How often are the tours of The Vampire? (18) ..............................
Person featured in today’s video (19) .........................................
The Leisure Gallery shows how Australian culture is influenced by (20) ....................................
The Picture Gallery contains pictures by (21) .......................................
Cost of family membership of the museum (22) ........................................
“Passengers and the Sea” includes a collection of (23) ......................................
4. Bài 4
Questions 13-21
Complete the notes. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Note: May not be allowed all facilities given to resident students.
- Must provide (14)………………………………………………..I can support myself.
- Services will depend on personal circumstances and discretion of Bank Manager.
Opening an account
- Take with me: (15)…………………………………………………and letter of enrolment.
- Recommended account: (16) …………………………………………………
- Bank supplies: (17)…………………………………………………and chequecard which guarantees cheques.
Other services
- Cashcard: (you can (18)…………………………………………………cash at any time.)
- Switch/Delta cards: (take the money (19)…………………………………………………the account.)
- Must have (20)…………………………………………………
- Sometimes must pay interest.
Opening times
- Most banks open until (21)…………………………………………………during the week.
- Some open for a limited time on Saturdays.
5. Bài 5
Questions 11–13
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Expedition Across Attora Mountains
Leader: Charles Owen
Prepared a (11) ……………………………………………………………. for the trip
Total length of trip (12) …………………………………………………………….
Climbed highest peak in (13) …………………………………………………………….
Questions 14 and 15
Circle the correct letters A–C.
14. What took the group by surprise?
A. the amount of rain
B. the number of possible routes
C. the length of the journey
15. How did Charles feel about having to change routes?
A. He reluctantly accepted it.
B. He was irritated by the diversion.
C. It made no difference to his enjoyment.
Questions 16–18
Circle THREE letters A–F.
What does Charles say about his friends?
A. He met them at one stage on the trip.
B. They kept all their meeting arrangements.
C. One of them helped arrange the transport.
D. One of them owned the hotel they stayed in.
E. Some of them travelled with him.
F. Only one group lasted the 96 days.
Questions 19 and 20
Circle TWO letters A–E.
What does Charles say about the donkeys?
A. He rode them when he was tired.
B. He named them after places.
C. One of them died.
D. They behaved unpredictably.
E. They were very small.
6. Bài 6
Question 11
Circle the correct letter A-D.
Smith House was originally built as...
A. a residential college.
B. a family house.
C. a university.
D. an office block.
Questions 12-14
Complete the explanation of the room number. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Questions 15-17
Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
- Students need a front door key between (15) ......................... AND .........................
- In an emergency, students should use (16) .........................
- Fees also cover some (17) ......................... charges.
Questions 18-20
Complete the notice below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
- No noise after 9 pm.
- Smoking only allowed on (18) .........................
- No changes can be made to (19) .........................
If you have any questions, ask the (20) .........................
7. Bài 7
Questions 11-14
Circle FOUR letters A-G.
Which FOUR activities of the Union are mentioned by the speaker?
A raising money for good causes
B political campaigning
C running a newsagent's
D running a supermarket
E providing cheap tickets
F helping with accommodation
G providing catering services
Questions 15 and 16
Circle TWO letters A-E.
Which TWO of the following can you get advice about from the Union?
A immigration
B grants
C medical problems
D personal problems
E legal matters
Questions 17-20
Write the appropriate letters A-C against Questions 17-20.
What are the locations of the following places in Radford?
A part of the Metro Tower building
B in the main square in the centre of the town
C some distance from the centre of the town
17. the hi-tech fitness centre ..................................
18. the ice rink ..................................
19. the new cinema ..................................
20. the Theatre Royal ..................................
8. Bài 8
Questions 11 and 12
Circle the correct letters A-C.
11. At Rainforest Lodge there aren't any...
A. telephones or TVs.
B. newspapers or TVs.
C. telephones or newspapers.
12. The guests are told to...
A. carry their luggage to the cabin.
B. go straight to the restaurant.
C. wait an hour for dinner.
Questions 13-15
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Questions 16-20
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
What THREE items of clothing does the speaker recommend for the rainforest?
(16) …………………….
(17) …………………….
(18) …………………….
Which TWO things in the rainforest does the speaker give a warning about?
(19) …………………….
(20) …………………….
9. Bài 9
Questions 11 and 12
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
11. Who is Mrs Sutton worried about?
12. What is the name for a group of family doctors working in the same building together?
Questions 13-17
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Question 18
Doctors start seeing patients at the Health Centre from .............................. o’clock.
Question 19
Choose TWO letters A-E.
Which TWO groups of patients receive free medication?
A people over 17 years old
B unemployed people
C non-UK residents
D people over 60 years old
E pregnant women
Question 20
The charge for one item of medication is about £ ....................................
10. Bài 10
Questions 11-15
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Questions 16-20
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS for each answer.
Officer: Jackie (16) …………………….
Address: Student Welfare Office, 13 Marshall Road
Tel. number: (17) …………………….
Opening hours:
– 9.30 am to 6 pm (weekdays)
– (18) ……………………. (Saturdays)
– Ring or visit office for (19) …………………….
– At peak times there may be a (20) …………………….
11. Bài 11
Questions 11-13
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Questions 14-16
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
12. Bài 12
13. Bài 13
Questions 11-13
Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
11. Riverside Village was a good place to start an industry because it had water, raw materials and fuels such as ............................. and ..........................................
12. The metal industry was established at Riverside Village by ....................... who lived in the area.
13. There were over ...................... water-powered mills in the area in the eighteenth century.
Questions 14-20
Label the plan below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
14. Bài 14
Questions 11 - 20
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.
11. The Counselling Service may contact tutors if
A. they are too slow in marking assignments.
B. they give students a lot of work.
C. they dont inform students about their progress.
12. Stress may be caused by
A. new teachers.
B. time pressure.
C. unfamiliar subject matter.
13. lnternational students may find stress difficult to handle because
A. they lack support from family and friends
B. they don”t have time to make new friends.
C. they find it difficult to socialise.
14. A personal crisis may be caused by
A. studying for too long overseas.
B. business problems in the student
C. disruptions to personal relationships
15. Students may lose self-esteem if
A. they have to change courses.
B. they don”s complete a course.
C. their family puts too much pressure on them.
16. Students should consult Glenda Roberts if
A. their general health is poor.
B. their diet is too strict.
C. they cant eat the local food.
17. Students in financial difliculties can receive.
A. assistance to buy books.
B. a loan to pay their course fees.
C. a no-interest loan to cover study expenses.
18. Loans are also available to students who
A. can”t pay their rent
B. need to buy furniture.
C. can”t cover their living expenses.
19. The number of students counselled by the service last year was
A. 214
B. 240
C. 2,600.00
20. The speaker thinks the Counselling Service
A. has been effective in spite of staff shortages.
B. is under-used by students.
C. has suffered badly because of staff cuts
15. Bài 15
Questions 11-14
Choose the correct letter A-C.
11. When is this year’s festival being held?
A. 1-13 January
B. 5-17 January
C. 25-31 January
12. What will the reviewer concentrate on today?
A. theatre
B. dance
C. exhibitions
13. How many circuses are there in the festival?
A. one
B. two
C. several
14. Where does Circus Romano perform?
A. in a theatre
B. in a tent
C. in a stadium
Questions 15-20
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
16. Bài 16
Questions 11-15
Choose the correct letter A-C.
11. To find out how much holidays cost, you should press button
A. one
B. two
C. three
12. Travelite currently offer walking holidays
A. only in Western Europe
B. all over Europe
C. outside Europe
13. The walks offered by Travelite
A. cater for a range of walking abilities
B. are planned by guides from the local area
C. are for people with good fitness levels
14. On Travelite holidays, people holidaying alone pay
A. the same as other clients
B. only a little more than other clients
C. extra only if they stay in a large room
15. Entertainment is provided
A. when guests request it
B. most nights
C. every night
Questions 16-20
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
17. Bài 17
Questions 11-19
Complete the table below, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Question 20
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for the answer.
- Metal should not be rusted or bent.
- Edges of cot should not be ...........................
18. Bài 18
Questions 11 - 15
Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.
11. In 1993 Dan Pearman went to Ecuador
A. as a tourist guide.
B. as part of his studies.
C. as a voluntary worker.
12. Dan's neighbour was successful in business because he
A. employed carpenters from the area.
B. was the most skilled craftsman in the town.
C. found it easy to reach customers.
13. Dan says the charity relies on
A. getting enough bicycles to send regularly.
B. finding new areas which need the bicycles.
C. charging for the bicycles it sends abroad.
14. What does Dan say about the town of Rivas?
A. It has received the greatest number of bikes.
B. It has almost as many bikes as Amsterdam.
C. Its economy has been totally transformed.
15. What problem did the charity face in August 2000?
A. It couldn't meet its overheads.
B. It had to delay sending the bikes.
C. It was criticised in the British media.
Questions 16 and 17
Answer the questions below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.
16. How much money did the charity receive when it won an award?
17. What is the charity currently hoping to buy?
Questions 18-20
Choose THREE letters A-G.
Which THREE things can the general public do to help the charity Pedal Power?
A. organise a bicycle collection
B. repair the donated bikes
C. donate their unwanted tools
D. do voluntary work in its office
E. hold an event to raise money
F. identify areas that need bikes
G. write to the government
19. Bài 19
Questions 11 - 12
Choose TWO letters A-E.
What TWO advantages does the speaker say Rexford University has for the students he is speaking to?
A. higher than average results in examinations
B. good transport links with central London
C. near London Airport
D. special government funding
E. good links with local industry
Questions 13 - 15
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.
- When application is received, confirmation will be sent
- Application processing may be slowed down by
- postal problems
- delays in sending 13 ........................
- University tries to put international applicants in touch with a student From the same 14 ................ who can give information and advice on
- academic atmosphere
- leisure facilities
- English 15 ................. and food
- what to pack
Questions 16 - 20
Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.
16. The speaker says international students at UK universities will be
A. offered accommodation with local families.
B. given special help by their lecturers.
C. expected to work independently.
17. What does the speaker say about university accommodation on campus?
A. Most places are given to undergraduates.
B. No places are available for postgraduates with families.
C. A limited number of places are available for new postgraduates.
18. Students wishing to live off-campus should apply
A. several months in advance.
B. two or three weeks in advance.
C. at the beginning of term.
19. The university accommodation officer will
A. send a list of agents for students to contact.
B. contact accommodation agencies for students.
C. ensure that students have suitable accommodation.
20. With regard to their English, the speaker advises the students to
A. tell their lecturers if they have problems understanding.
B. have private English lessons when they arrive.
C. practise their spoken English before they arrive.
20. Bài 20
Questions 11-13
Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
11. The next meeting of the soccer club will be in the .......................... in King's Park on 2 July.
12. The first event is a ........................
13. At the final dinner, players receive ............................
Questions 14-17
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Questions 18-20
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
21. Bài 21
Questions 11-16
What change has been made to each part of the theatre?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 11-16.
A. doubled in number
B. given separate entrance
C. reduced in number
D. increased in size
E. replaced
F. strengthened
G. temporarily closed
Part of the theatre
11. box office ..........
12. shop ..........
13. ordinary seats ..........
14. seats for wheelchair users ..........
15. lifts ..........
16. dressing rooms ..........
Questions 17-20
Choose the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
22. Bài 22
Questions 11-14
Complete the sentences below, using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
11. Local services depart from ........................ railway station.
12. National services depart from the ....................... railway station.
13. Trains for London depart every ..................... each day during the week.
14. The price of a first class ticket includes ...................................
Questions 15-17
Choose the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Questions 18-20
Choose THREE letters A-G.
Which THREE attractions can you visit at present by train from Trebirch?
A. a science museum
B. a theme park
C. a climbing wall
D. a mining museum
E. an aquarium
F. a castle
G. a zoo
23. Bài 23
Questions 11-13
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
11. When the writer Sebastian George first saw Rosewood House, he
A. thought he might rent it.
B. felt it was too expensive for him.
C. was unsure whether to buy it.
12. Before buying the house, George had
A. experienced severe family problems.
B. struggled to become a successful author.
C. suffered a serious illness.
13. According to the speaker, George viewed Rosewood House as
A. a rich source of material for his books.
B. a way to escape from his work.
C. a typical building of the region.
Questions 14-17
Label the map below. Write the correct letter, A-J next to questions 14-17.
14. Pear Alley ......................
15. Mulberry Garden .....................
16. Shop .....................
17. Tea Room .....................
Questions 18-20
Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
18. You can walk through the .......................... that goes along the river bank.
19. You can go over the ............................ and then into a wooded area.
20. On your way back, you could also go up lo the .............................. .
24. Bài 24
Questions 11-13
Which team will do each of the following jobs?
Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-D, next to questions 11-13.
A. the blue team
B. the yellow team
C. the green team
D. the red team
11. checking entrance tickets
12. preparing refreshments
13. directing car-park traffic.
Questions 14-20
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Travel Expo
Temporary Staff Orientation Programme
25. Bài 25
Questions 11 - 16
Choose the correct letter A, B, or C.
11. PS Camping has been organising holidays for
A. 15 years
B. 20 years.
C. 25 years.
12. The company has most camping sites in
A. France.
B. Italy.
C. Switzerland.
13. Which organised activity can children do every day of the week?
A. football
B. drama
C. model making
14. Some areas of the sites have a
A. 9.30 p.m.
B. 10.00 p.m.
C. 10.30 p.m.
15. The holiday insurance that is offered by PS Camping
A. can be charged on an annual basis
B. is included in the price of the holiday.
C. must be taken out at the time of booking.
16. Customers who recommend PS Camping to friends will receive
A. a free gift.
B. an upgrade to a luxury tent.
C. a discount.
Questions 17 - 20
What does the speaker say about the following items?
Write the correct letter A, B, or C, next to questions 17 - 20.
A. They are provided in all tents.
B. They are found in central areas of the campsite.
C. They are available on request.
17. barbecues ........................
18. toys .............................
19. cool boxes ..........................
20. mops and buckets ..........................
26. Bài 26
Questions 11 and 12
Label the map below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Question 13 to 18
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS and or numbers for each answer.
Question 19 and 20
19. How often do the top bus company tour run?
20. Where can you catch in number one sightseeing to form?
27. Bài 27
Questions 11 - 16
Choose the correct letter A, B, or C.
Sponsored Walking Holiday
11. On the holiday, you will be walking for
A. 6 days.
B. 8 days.
C. 10 days.
12. What proportion of the sponsorship money goes to charity?
13. Each walker's sponsorship money goes to one
A. student.
B. teacher.
C. school.
14. When you start the trek you must be
A. interested in getting fit.
B. already quite fit.
C. already very fit.
15. As you walk you will carry
A. all of your belongings
B. some of your belongings
C. none of your belongings
16. The Semira Region has a long tradition of
A. making carpets
B. weaving blankets
C. carving wood.
Questions 17 - 20
Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
28. Bài 28
Questions 11-14.
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
11. What kind of tour is Sally leading?
A. a bus tour
B. a train tour
C. a walking tour
12. The original buildings on the site were
A. houses.
B. industrial buildings.
C. shops.
13. The local residents wanted to use the site for
A. leisure.
B. apartment blocks.
C. a sports centre.
14. The Tower is at the centre of the
A. nature reserve.
B. formal gardens.
C. Bicentennial Park.
Questions 15-17
Label the plan below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Questions 18-20
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Nature Reserve
29. Bài 29
Questions 11 - 15
Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer.
11. The museum closes at _______ p.m. on Mondays.
12. The museum is not open on _______________.
13. School groups are met by tour guides in the ___________.
14. The whole visit takes 90 minutes, including ________________minutes for the guided tour.
15. There are _______________behind the museum where students can have lunch.
Questions 16 - 18
Choose THREE letters, A – G.
Which THREE things can students have with them in the museum?
A food
B water
C cameras
D books
E bags
F pens
G worksheets
Questions 19 and 20
Choose TWO letters, A – E.
Which TWO activities can students do after the tour at present?
A build model dinosaurs
B watch films
C draw dinosaurs
D find dinosaur eggs
E play computer games
30. Bài 30
Question 11
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
11. According to the speaker, the main purposes of the park are
A. education and entertainment.
B. research and education.
C. research and entertainment.
Questions 12-14
Label the plan below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Questions 15-20
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
15. When are the experimental areas closed to the public?
A. all the year round
B. almost all the year
C. a short time every year
16. How can you move around the park?
A. by tram, walking or bicycle
B. by solar car or bicycle
C. by bicycle, walking or bus
17. The rare bread animals kept in the park include
A. hens and horses
B. goats and cows
C. goats and hens
18. What is the main purpose of having the Rate Breeds Sections?
A. to save unusual animals
B. to keep a variety of breeds
C. to educate the public
19. What can you see in the park at the present time?
A. the arrival of wild birds
B. fruit tree blossom
C. a demonstration of fishing
20. The shop contains books about
A. animals
B. local traditions
C. the history of the park.
31. Bài 31
Questions 11-16
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Well known for: 11……………………….
Complex consists of:
- concert rooms
- theatres
- cinemas
- art galleries
- public library
- restaurants
- a 12 ……………………….
Historical background:
- 1940 – area destroyed by bombs
- 1960s-1970s - Centre was 13………………………. and built
- in 14………………………. – opened to public
Managed by: the 15……………………….
Open: 16………………………. days per year
Questions 17-20
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
32. Bài 32
Questions 11-13
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Improvements to Red Hill Suburb
11. Community groups are mainly concerned about
A. pedestrian safety.
B. traffic jams.
C. increased pollution.
12. It has been decided that the overhead power lines will be
A. extended
B. buried
C. repaired
13. The expenses related to the power lines will be paid for by
A. the council.
B. the power company.
C. local businesses.
Questions 14-20
Label the map below. Write the correct letter, A-H, next to questions 14-20.
Red Hill Improvement Plan
14. tree………………..
15. wider footpaths………………..
16. coloured road surface………………..
17. new sign………………..
18. traffic lights………………..
19. artwork………………..
20. children’s playground………………..
33. Bài 33
Questions 11-16
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
a new 11 .................of an international sports goods company
located in the shopping center to the 12 ......................... of Bradcaster
has sports 13 ……………………………….. and equipment on floors 1 – 3
can get you any item within 14 ..............,......... days
shop specializes in equipment for 15 ……………………….
has a special section which just sells 16 ......................................
Questions 17 and 18
Choose the correct letter A. B or C.
17. A champion athlete will be in the shop
A. on Saturday morning only.
B. all day Saturday.
C. for the whole weekend.
18. The first person to answer 20 quiz questions correctly will win
A. gym membership.
B. a video.
C. a calendar.
Questions 19 and 20
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO pieces of information does the speaker give about the fitness test?
A. You need lo reserve a place.
B. It is free to account holders.
C. You get advice on how to improve your health.
D. It takes place in a special clinic.
E. It is cheaper this month.
34. Bài 34
Question 11 - 13
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.
Questions 14-16
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.
Long field Park
14. As part of Mondays activity, visitors will
A. prepare food with herbs.
B. meet a well-known herbalist
C. dye cloth with herbs.
15. For the activity on Wednesday.
A. only group bookings are accepted.
B. visitors should book in advance.
C. attendance is tree.
16. For the activity on Saturday, visitors should
A. come in suitable clothing.
B. make sure they are able to stay lor the whole day.
C. tell the rangers before the event what they wish to do.
Questions 17-20
Label the map below. Write the correct letter A-L, next to questions 17-20.
17. bird hide ……………………
18. dog walking area………………..
19. flower garden ...............
20. wooded area…………………….
35. Bài 35
Question 11 - 13
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.
Winridge Forest Railway Park
11. Simon's idea for a theme park came from
A. his childhood hobby.
B. his interest in landscape design.
C. his visit to another park.
12. When they started, the family decided to open the park only when
A. the weather was expected to be good.
B. the children weren't at school.
C. there were fewer farming commitments.
13. Since opening, the park has had
A. 50.000 visitors.
B. 1.000.000 visitors.
C. 1,500.000 visitors.
Questions 14-18
What is currently the main area of work of each of the following people?
Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter A-H, next to questions 14-18.
Area of work
A. advertising
B. animal care
C. building
D. educational links
E. engine maintenance
F. food and drink
G. sales
H. staffing
14. Simon (the speaker) .................
15. Liz ....................
16. Sarah ...........
17. Duncan …………......
18. Judith ...,........,.....
Questions 19 and 20
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR NUMBERS for each answer.
36. Bài 36
Questions 11-13
Label the diagram below. Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter A-E, next to questions 11-13.
A electricity indicator
B on/off switch
C reset button
D time control
E warning indicator
Questions 14-18
Where can each of the following items be found?
Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter: A-G, next to questions 14-18.
A. in box on washing machine
B. in cupboard on landing
C. in chest of drawers
D. next to window in living room
E. on shelf by back door
F. on top of television
G. under kitchen sink
14. pillows ..................
15. washing powder ,.......
16. key ……………….
17. light bulbs …………………
18. map .......,…………….
Questions 19 and 20
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer
The best place to park in town - next to the station
Phone number for takeaway pizzas - 19 ...........................
Railway museum closed on 20 …………………...,
37. Bài 37
Questions 11 and 12
Choose TWO letters A-E.
Which TWO facilities at the leisure club have recently been improved?
A. the gym
B. the tracks
C. the indoor pool
D. the outdoor pool
E. the sports training for children
Questions 13-20
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THEN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Joining the leisure club
Personal Assessment
- New members should describe any 13…………….. .
- The 14……………… will be explained to you before you use the equipment.
- You will be given a six-week 15…………….. .
Types of membership
- There is a compulsory £90 16……………… fee for members.
- Gold members are given 17……………… to all the LP clubs.
- Premier members are given priority during 18………………. hours.
- Premier members can bring some 19………………. every month.
- Members should always take their 20……………… with them.
38. Bài 38
Questions 11 – 14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
New city developments
11. The idea for the two new developments in the city came from
A. local people.
B. the City Council.
C. the SWRDC.
12. What is unusual about Brackenside pool?
A. its architectural style
B. its heating system
C. its method of water treatment
13. Local newspapers have raised worries about
A. the late opening date.
B. the cost of the project.
C. the size of the facilities.
14. What decision has not yet been made about the pool?
A. whose statue will be at the door
B. the exact opening times
C. who will open it
Questions 15-20
Which feature is related to each of the following areas of the world represented in the playground?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-I, next to questions 15-20.
A. ancient forts
B. waterways
C. ice and snow
D. jewels
E. local animals
F. mountains
G. music and film
H. space travel
I. volcanoes
Areas of the world
15. Asia ………….
16. Antarctica ………….
17. South America ………….
18. North America ………….
19. Europe ………….
20. Africa ………….
39. Bài 39
Questions 11 and 12
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO things does Alice say about the Dolphin Conservation Trust?
A. Children make up most of the membership
B. It’s the country’s largest conservation organisation
C. It helps finance campaigns for changes in fishing practices
D. It employs several dolphin experts full-time
E. Volunteers help in various ways
Questions 13-15
Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.
13. Why is Alice so pleased the Trust has won the Charity Commission award?
A. It has brought in extra money
B. It made the work of the trust better known
C. It has attracted more members
14. Alice says oil exploration causes problems to dolphins because of
A. noise
B. oil leaks
C. movement of ships
15. Alice became interested in dolphins when
A. she saw one swimming near her home
B. she heard a speaker at her school
C. she read a book about them
Questions 16-20
Which dolphin does Alice make each of the following comments about?
Write the correct letter, А, В, C or D, next to questions 16-20.
A. Moon dancer
В. Echo
C. Kiwi
D. Samson
16. It has not been seen this year
17. It is photographed more than the others
18. It is always very energetic
19. It is the newest one in the scheme
20. It has an unusual shape
40. Bài 40
Questions 11-15
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
11. Why did a port originally develop at Manham?
A. It was safe from enemy attack.
В. It was convenient for river transport.
C. It had a good position on the sea coast.
12. What caused Manham’s sudden expansion during the Industrial Revolution?
A. the improvement in mining techniques
В. the increase in demand for metals
C. the discovery of tin in the area
13. Why did rocks have to be sent away from Manham to be processed?
A. shortage of fuel
В. poor transport systems
C. lack of skills among local people
14. What happened when the port declined in the twentieth century?
A. The workers went away.
В. Traditional skills were lost.
C. Buildings were used for new purposes.
15. What did the Manham Trust hope to do?
A. discover the location of the original port
В. provide jobs for the unemployed
C. rebuild the port complex
Questions 16-20
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Complete the table below.
41. Bài 41
Question 11 - 14
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD for each answer.
Fiddy Working Heritage Farm
Advice about visiting the farm
Visitors should
- Take care not to harm any 11 .......................
- Not touch any 12 ..........................
- Wear 13 ............................
- Not bring 14 ...................... into the farm, with certain exceptions
Question 15 - 20
Label the map below. Write the correct letter A-I, next to questions.
15. Scarecrow ........................
16. Maze .........................
17. Cafe .........................
18. Black Barn .........................
19. Covered picnic area ............................
20. Fiddy House ................................
42. Bài 42
Questions 11 – 20
New staff at theatre
Questions 11 and 12
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO changes have been made so far during the refurbishment of the theatre?
A. Some rooms now have a different use.
B. A different type of seating has been installed.
C. An elevator has been installed.
D. The outside of the building has been repaired.
E. Extra seats have been added.
Questions 13 and 14
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO facilities does the theatre currently offer to the public?
A. rooms for hire
B. backstage tours
C. hire of costumes
D. a bookshop
E. a café
Questions 15 and 16
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO workshops does the theatre currently offer?
A. sound
B. acting
C. making puppets
D. make-up
E. lighting
Questions 17-20
Label the plan below. Write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 17-20.
Ground floor plan of theatre
17. box office …………….
18. theatre manager’s office …………….
19. lighting box …………….
20. artistic director’s offices …………….
43. Bài 43
Questions 11 – 15
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Changes in Barford over the last 50 years
11. In Shona’s opinion, why do fewer people use buses in Barford these days?
A. The buses are old and uncomfortable.
B. Fares have gone up too much.
C. There are not so many bus routes.
12. What change in the road network is known to have benefited the town most?
A. the construction of a bypass
B. the development of cycle paths
C. the banning of cars from certain streets
13. What is the problem affecting shopping in the town centre?
A. lack of parking spaces
B. lack of major retailers
C. lack of restaurants and cafés
14. What does Shona say about medical facilities in Barford?
A. There is no hospital.
B. New medical practices are planned.
C. The number of dentists is too low.
15. The largest number of people are employed in
A. manufacturing.
B. services.
C. education.
Questions 16-20
What is planned for each of the following facilities?
Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 16-20
A. It will move to a new location.
B. It will have its opening hours extended.
C. It will be refurbished.
D. It will be used for a different purpose.
E. It will have its opening hours reduced.
F. It will have new management.
G. It will be expanded.
16. railway station car park ……………
17. cinema ……………
18. indoor market ……………
19. library ……………
20. nature reserve ……………
44. Bài 44
Questions 11 – 16
What does the speaker say about each of the following collections?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 11-16.
A. was given by one person
B. was recently publicised in the media
C. includes some items given by members of the public
D. includes some items given by the artists
E. includes the most popular exhibits in the museum
F. is the largest of its kind in the country
G. has had some of its contents relocated
11. 20th- and 21st-century paintings
12. 19th-century paintings
13. Sculptures
14. ‘Around the world’ exhibition
15. Coins
16. Porcelain and glass
Questions 17-20
Label the plan below. Write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 17-20.
Basement of museum
17. restaurant …………..
18. café …………..
19. baby-changing facilities …………..
20. cloakroom …………..
45. Bài 45
Questions 11-14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Talk to new kitchen assistants
11. According to the manager, what do most people like about the job of kitchen assistant?
A. the variety of work.
B. the friendly atmosphere.
C. the opportunities for promotion.
12. The manager is concerned about some of the new staff’s
A. jewellery.
B. hair styles.
C. shoes.
13. The manager says that the day is likely to be busy for kitchen staff because
A. it is a public holiday.
B. the head chef is absent.
C. the restaurant is almost fully booked.
14. Only kitchen staff who are 18 or older are allowed to use
A. the waste disposal unit.
B. the electric mixer.
C. the meat slicer.
Questions 15-16
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
According to the manager, which TWO things can make the job of kitchen assistant stressful?
A. They have to follow orders immediately.
B. The kitchen gets very hot.
C They may not be able to take a break.
D. They have to do overtime.
E. The work is physically demanding.
Questions 17-20
What is the responsibility of each of the following restaurant staff?
Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F, next to Questions 17-20.
A. training courses
B. food stocks
C. first aid
D. breakages
E. staff discounts
F. timetables
Restaurant staff
17. Joy Parkins .............................
18. David Field ...............................
19. Dexter Wills ..............................
20. Mike Smith ..............................
46. Bài 46
Questions 11 – 15
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Theatre trip to Munich
11. When the group meet at the airport they will have
A. breakfast.
B. coffee.
C. lunch.
12. The group will be met at Munich Airport by
A. an employee at the National Theatre.
B. a theatre manager.
C. a tour operator.
13. How much will they pay per night for a double room at the hotel?
A. 110 euros
B. 120 euros
C. 150 euros
14. What type of restaurant will they go to on Tuesday evening?
A. an Italian restaurant
B. a Lebanese restaurant
C. a typical restaurant of the region
15. Who will they meet on Wednesday afternoon?
A. an actor
B. a playwright
C. a theatre director
Questions 16-20
What does the man say about the play on each of the following days?
Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 16-20.
A. The playwright will be present.
B. The play was written to celebrate an anniversary.
C. The play will be performed inside a historic building.
D. The play will be accompanied by live music.
E. The play will be performed outdoors.
F. The play will be performed for the first time.
G. The performance will be attended by officials from the town.
16. Wednesday …………..
17. Thursday …………..
18. Friday …………..
19. Saturday …………..
20. Monday …………..
47. Bài 47
Questions 11 and 12
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO age groups are taking increasing numbers of holidays with BC Travel?
A. 16-30 years
B. 31-42 years
C. 43-54 years
D. 55-64 years
E. over 65 years
Questions 13 and 14
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO are the main reasons given for the popularity of activity holidays?
A. Clients make new friends.
B. Clients learn a useful skill.
C. Clients learn about a different culture.
D. Clients are excited by the risk involved.
E. Clients find them good value for money.
Questions 15 – 17
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
15. How does BC Travel plan to expand the painting holidays?
A. by adding to the number of locations
B. by increasing the range of levels
C. by employing more teachers
16. Why are BC Travel’s cooking holidays unusual?
A. They only use organic foods.
B. They have an international focus.
C. They mainly involve vegetarian dishes.
17. What does the speaker say about the photography holidays?
A. Clients receive individual tuition.
B. The tutors are also trained guides.
C. Advice is given on selling photographs.
Questions 18 – 20
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Fitness Holidays
48. Bài 48
Questions 11 – 14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Visiting the Sheepmarket area
11. Which is the most rapidly-growing group of residents in the Sheepmarket area?
A. young professional people
B. students from the university
C. employees in the local market
12. The speaker recommends the side streets in the Sheepmarket for their
A. international restaurants.
B. historical buildings.
C. arts and crafts.
13. Clothes designed by entrants for the Young Fashion competition must
A. be modelled by the designers themselves.
B. be inspired by aspects of contemporary culture.
C. be made from locally produced materials.
14. Car parking is free in some car parks if you
A. stay for less than an hour.
B. buy something in the shops.
C. park in the evenings or at weekends.
Questions 15 – 20
Label the map below. Write the correct letter, A-I, next to Questions 15-20.
15. The Reynolds House ……………
16. The Thumb ……………
17. The Museum ……………
18. The Contemporary Art Gallery ……………
19. The Warner Gallery ……………
20. Nucleus ……………
49. Bài 49
Questions 11 – 13
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Traffic Changes in Granford
11. Why are changes needed to traffic systems in Granford?
A. The number of traffic accidents has risen.
B. The amount of traffic on the roads has increased.
C. The types of vehicles on the roads have changed.
12. In a survey, local residents particularly complained about
A. dangerous driving by parents.
B. pollution from trucks and lorries.
C. inconvenience from parked cars.
13. According to the speaker, one problem with the new regulations will be
A. raising money to pay for them.
B. finding a way to make people follow them.
C. getting the support of the police.
Questions 14-20
Label the map below. Write the correct letter, A-I, next to Questions 14-20.
Proposed traffic changes in Granford
14. New traffic lights …………….
15. Pedestrian crossing …………….
16. Parking allowed …………….
17. New ‘No Parking’ sign …………….
18. New disabled parking spaces …………….
19. Widened pavement …………….
20. Lorry loading/unloading restrictions …………….
50. Bài 50
Questions 11 – 16
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Information on company volunteering projects
11. How much time for volunteering does the company allow per employee?
A. two hours per week
B. one day per month
C. 8 hours per year
12. In feedback almost all employees said that volunteering improved their
A. chances of promotion.
B. job satisfaction.
C. relationships with colleagues.
13. Last year some staff helped unemployed people with their
A. literacy skills.
B. job applications.
C. communication skills.
14. This year the company will start a new volunteering project with a local
A. school.
B. park.
C. charity.
15. Where will the Digital Inclusion Day be held?
A. at the company’s training facility
B. at a college
C. in a community centre
16. What should staff do if they want to take part in the Digital Inclusion Day?
A. fill in a form
B. attend a training workshop
C. get permission from their manager
Questions 17 and 18
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
What TWO things are mentioned about the participants on the last Digital Inclusion Day?
A. They were all over 70.
B. They never used their computer.
C. Their phones were mostly old-fashioned.
D. They only used their phones for making calls.
E. They initially showed little interest.
Questions 19 and 20
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
What TWO activities on the last Digital Inclusion Day did participants describe as useful?
A. learning to use tables
B. communicating with family
C. shopping online
D. playing online games
E. sending emails
51. Bài 51
Questions 11 – 16
What advantage does the speaker mention for each of the following physical activities?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 11-16.
A. not dependent on season
B. enjoyable
C. low risk of injury
D. fitness level unimportant
E. sociable
F. fast results
G. motivating
Physical activities
11. using a gym ……………
12. running ……………
13. swimming ……………
14. cycling ……………
15. doing yoga ……………
16. training with a personal trainer ……………
Questions 17 and 18
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
For which TWO reasons does the speaker say people give up going to the gym?
A. lack of time
B. loss of confidence
C. too much effort required
D. high costs
E. feeling less successful than others
Questions 19 and 20
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO pieces of advice does the speaker give for setting goals?
A. write goals down
B. have achievable aims
C. set a time limit
D. give yourself rewards
E. challenge yourself
52. Bài 52
Questions 11 – 16
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
The Snow Centre
11. Annie recommends that when cross-country skiing, the visitors should
A. get away from the regular trails.
B. stop to enjoy views of the scenery.
C. go at a slow speed at the beginning.
12. What does Annie tell the group about this afternoon’s dog-sled trip?
A. Those who want to can take part in a race.
B. Anyone has the chance to drive a team of dogs.
C. One group member will be chosen to lead the trail.
13. What does Annie say about the team relay event?
A. All participants receive a medal.
B. The course is 4 km long.
C. Each team is led by a teacher.
14. On the snow-shoe trip, the visitors will
A. visit an old gold mine.
B. learn about unusual flowers.
C. climb to the top of a mountain.
15. The cost of accommodation in the mountain hut includes
A. a supply of drinking water.
B. transport of visitors’ luggage.
C. cooked meals.
16. If there is a storm while the visitors are in the hut, they should
A. contact the bus driver.
B. wait until the weather improves.
C. use the emergency locator beacon.
Questions 17 – 20
What information does Annie give about skiing on each of the following mountain trails?
Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F, next to Questions 17-20.
A. It has a good place to stop and rest.
B. It is suitable for all abilities.
C. It involves crossing a river.
D. It demands a lot of skill.
E. It may be closed in bad weather.
F. It has some very narrow sections.
Mountain trails
17. Highland Trail …………….
18. Pine Trail …………….
19. Stony Trail …………….
20. Loser’s Trail …………….
53. Bài 53
Questions 11 and 12
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO pieces of advice for the first week of an apprenticeship does the manager give?
A. get to know colleagues
B. learn from any mistakes
C. ask lots of questions
D. react positively to feedback
E. enjoy new challenges
Questions 13 and 14
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO things does the manager say mentors can help with?
A. confidence-building
B. making career plans
C. completing difficult tasks
D. making a weekly timetable
E. reviewing progress
Questions 15-20
What does the manager say about each of the following aspects of the company policy for apprentices?
Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to Questions 15-20.
A. It is encouraged.
B. There are some restrictions.
C. It is against the rules.
Company policy for apprentices
15. Using the internet …………….
16. Flexible working …………….
17. Booking holidays …………….
18. Working overtime …………….
19. Wearing trainers …………….
20. Bringing food to work …………….
54. Bài 54
Questions 11-15
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Visit to Branley Castle
11. Before Queen Elizabeth I visited the castle in 1576,
A. repairs were carried out to the quest rooms.
B. a new building was constructed for her.
C. a fire damaged part of the main hall.
12. In 1982, the castle was sold to
B. the Fenys family.
C. an entertainment company.
13. In some of the rooms, visitors can
A. speak to experts on the history of the castle.
B. interact with actors dressed as famous characters.
C. see models of historical figures moving and talking.
14. In the castle park, visitors can
A. see an 800-year-old tree.
B. go to an art exhibition.
C. visit a small zoo.
15. At the end of the visit, the group will have
A. afternoon tea in the conservatory.
B. the chance to meet the castle’s owners.
C. a photograph together on the Great Staircase.
Questions 16-20
Label the plan below. Write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 16-20.
Branley Castle
16. Starting point for walking the walls ………………
17. Bow and arrow display ………………
18. Hunting birds display ………………
19. Traditional dancing ………………
20. Shop ………………
55. Bài 55
Questions 11 and 12
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO activities that volunteers do are mentioned?
A. decorating
B. cleaning
C. delivering meals
D. shopping
E. childcare
Questions 13 and 14
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO ways that volunteers can benefit from volunteering are mentioned?
A. learning how to be part of a team
B. having a sense of purpose
C. realising how lucky they are
D. improved ability at time management
E. boosting their employment prospects
Questions 15-20
What has each of the following volunteers helped someone to do?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 15-20.
What volunteers have helped people to do
A. overcome physical difficulties
B. rediscover skills not used for a long time
C. improve their communication skills
D. solve problems independently
E. escape isolation
F. remember past times
G. start a new hobby
15. Habib ………………
16. Consuela ………………
17. Minh ………………
18. Tanya ………………
19. Alexei ………………
20. Juba ………………
56. Bài 56
Questions 11-16
What information does the speaker give about each of the following excursions?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 11-16.
A. all downhill
B. suitable for beginners
C. only in good weather
D. food included
E. no charge
F. swimming possible
G. fully booked today
H. transport not included
11. dolphin watching ………………..
12. forest walk ………………..
13. cycle trip ………………..
14. local craft tour ………………..
15. observatory trip ………………..
16. horse riding ………………..
Questions 17 and 18
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO things does the speaker say about the attraction called Musical Favourites?
A. You pay extra for drinks.
B. You must book it in advance.
C. You get a reduction if you buy two tickets.
D. You can meet the performers.
E. You can take part in the show.
Questions 19 and 20
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO things does the speaker say about the Castle Feast?
A. Visitors can dance after the meal.
B. There is a choice of food.
C. Visitors wear historical costume.
D. Knives and forks are not used.
E. The entertainment includes horse races.
57. Bài 57
Questions 11 – 14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Matthews Island Holidays
11. According to the speaker, the company
A. has been in business for longer than most of its competitors.
B. arranges holidays to more destinations than its competitors.
C. has more customers than its competitors.
12. Where can customers meet the tour manager before travelling to the Isle of Man?
A. Liverpool
B. Heysham
C. Luton
13. How many lunches are included in the price of the holiday?
A. three
B. four
C. five
14. Customers have to pay extra for
A. guaranteeing themselves a larger room.
B. booking at short notice.
C. transferring to another date.
Questions 15-20
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
58. Bài 58
Questions 11 – 14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Minster Park
11. The park was originally established
A. as an amenity provided by the city council.
B. as land belonging to a private house.
C. as a shared area set up by the local community.
12. Why is there a statue of Diane Gosforth in the park?
A. She was a resident who helped to lead a campaign.
B. She was a council member responsible for giving the public access.
C. She was a senior worker at the park for many years.
13. During the First World War, the park was mainly used for
A. exercises by troops.
B. growing vegetables.
C. public meetings.
14. When did the physical transformation of the park begin?
A. 2013
B. 2015
C. 2016
Questions 15-20
Label the map below. Write the correct letter, A-I, next to Questions 15-20.
15. statue of Diane Gosforth …………..
16. wooden sculptures …………..
17. playground …………..
18. maze …………..
19. tennis courts …………..
20. fitness area …………..
59. Bài 59
Questions 11 – 16
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Street Play Scheme
11. When did the Street Play Scheme first take place?
A. two years ago
B. three years ago
C. six years ago
12. How often is Beechwood Road closed to traffic now?
A. once a week
B. on Saturdays and Sundays
C. once a month
13. Who is responsible for closing the road?
A. a council official
B. the police
C. local wardens
14. Residents who want to use their cars
A. have to park in another street.
B. must drive very slowly
C. need permission from a warden.
15. Alice says that Street Play Schemes are most needed in
A. wealthy areas
B. quiet suburban areas.
C. areas with heavy traffic.
16. What has been the reaction of residents who are not parents?
A. Many of them were unhappy at first.
B. They like seeing children play in the street.
C. They are surprised by the lack of noise.
Questions 17 and 18
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO benefits for children does Alice think are the most important?
A. increased physical activity
B. increased sense of independence
C. opportunity to learn new games
D. opportunity to be part of a community
E. opportunity to make new friends
Questions 19 and 20
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO results of the King Street experiment surprised Alice?
A. more shoppers
B. improved safety
C. less air pollution
D. more relaxed atmosphere
E. less noise pollution
60. Bài 60
Question 11 - 16
Label the map below. Write the correct letter, A-H.
11. café ................................
12. toilets ...........................
13. formal gardens .......................
14. outdoor gym .............................
15. skateboard ramp ........................
16. wild flowers ........................
Question 17 and 18
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
What does the speakers say about the adventure playground?
A. Children must be supervised.
B. It costs more in winter.
C. Some activities are only for younger children.
D. No payment is required.
E. It was recently expanded.
Question 19 and 20
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
What does the speaker say about the glass houses?
A. They are closed at weekends.
B. Volunteers are needed to work there.
C. They were badly damaged by fire.
D. More money is needed to repair some of the glass.
E. Visitors can see palm trees from tropical regions.
61. Bài 61
Questions 11 – 14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
11. Stevenson’s was founded in
A. 1923.
B. 1924.
C. 1926.
12. Originally, Stevenson’s manufactured goods for
A. the healthcare industry.
B. the automotive industry.
C. the machine tools industry.
13. What does the speaker say about the company premises?
A. The company has recently moved.
B. The company has no plans to move.
C.. The company is going to move shortly.
14 The programme for the work experience group includes
A. time to do research.
B. meetings with a teacher.
C. talks by staff.
Questions 15-20
Label the map below. Write the correct letter, A-J, next to Questions 15-20.
Plan of Stevenson’s site
15. coffee room …………….
16. warehouse …………….
17. staff canteen …………….
18. meeting room …………….
19. human resources …………….
20. boardroom …………….
62. Bài 62
Questions 11 – 15
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
11. Dartfield House school used to be
A. a tourist information centre.
B. a private home.
C. a local council building.
12. What is planned with regard to the lower school?
A. All buildings on the main site will be improved.
B. The lower school site will be used for new homes.
C. Additional school buildings will be constructed on the lower school site.
13. The catering has been changed because of
A. long queuing times.
B. changes to the school timetable.
C. dissatisfaction with the menus.
14. Parents are asked to
A. help their children to decide in advance which serving point to use.
B. make sure their children have enough money for food.
C. advise their children on healthy food to eat.
15. What does the speaker say about the existing canteen?
A. Food will still be served there.
B. Only staff will have access to it.
C. Pupils can take their food into it.
Questions 16-18
What comment does the speaker make about each of the following serving points in the Food Hall?
Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-D, next to Questions 16-18.
A. pupils help to plan menus
B. only vegetarian food
C. different food every week
D. daily change in menu
Food available at serving points in Food Hall
16. World Adventures
17. Street Life
18. Speedy Italian
Questions 19 and 20
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO optional after-school lessons are new?
A. swimming
B. piano
C. acting
D. cycling
E. theatre sound and lighting
63. Bài 63
Questions 11 and 12
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
According to Megan, what are the TWO main advantages of working in the agriculture and horticulture sectors?
A. the active lifestyle
B. the above-average salaries
C. the flexible working opportunities
D. the opportunities for overseas travel
E. the chance to be in a natural environment
Questions 13 and 14
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO of the following are likely to be disadvantages for people working outdoors?
A. the increasing risk of accidents
B. being in a very quiet location
C. difficult weather conditions at times
D. the cost of housing
E. the level of physical fitness required
Questions 15-20
What information does Megan give about each of the following job opportunities?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 15-20.
A. not a permanent job
B. involves leading a team
C. experience not essential
D. intensive work but also fun
E. chance to earn more through overtime
F. chance for rapid promotion
G. accommodation available
H. local travel involved
Job opportunities
15. Fresh food commercial manager …………….
16. Agronomist …………….
17. Fresh produce buyer …………….
18. Garden centre sales manager …………….
19. Tree technician …………….
20. Farm worker …………….
64. Bài 64
Questions 11-14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Local council report on traffic and highways
11. A survey found people’s main concern about traffic in the area was
A. cuts to public transport.
B. poor maintenance of roads.
C. changes in the type of traffic.
12. Which change will shortly be made to the cycle path next to the river?
A. It will be widened.
B. It will be extended.
C. It will be resurfaced.
13. Plans for a pedestrian crossing have been postponed because
A. the Post Office has moved.
B. the proposed location is unsafe.
C. funding is not available at present.
14. On Station Road, notices have been erected
A. telling cyclists not to leave their bikes outside the station ticket office.
B. asking motorists to switch off engines when waiting at the level crossing.
C. warning pedestrians to leave enough time when crossing the railway line.
Questions 15-20
Label the map below. Write the correct letter, A-I, next to Questions 15-20.
15. New car park ……………
16. New cricket pitch ……………
17. Children’s playground ……………
18. Skateboard ramp ……………
19. Pavilion ……………
20. Notice board ……………
65. Bài 65
Questions 11 – 14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Boat trip round Tasmania
11. What is the maximum number of people who can stand on each side of the boat?
A. 9
B. 15
C. 18
12. What colour are the tour boats?
A. dark red
B. jet black
C. light green
13. Which lunchbox is suitable for someone who doesn’t eat meat or fish?
A. Lunchbox 1
B. Lunch box 2
C. Lunch box 3
14. What should people do with their litter?
A. take it home
B. hand it to a member of staff
C. put it in the bins provided on the boat
Questions 15 and 16
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO features of the lighthouse does Lou mention?
A. why it was built
B. who built it
C. how long it took to build
D. who staffed it
E. what it was built with
Questions 17 and 18
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO types of creature might come close to the boat?
A. sea eagles
B. fur seals
C. dolphins
D. whales
E. penguins
Questions 19 and 20
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO points does Lou make about the caves?
A. Only large tourist boats can visit them.
B. The entrances to them are often blocked.
C. It is too dangerous for individuals to go near them.
D. Someone will explain what is inside them.
E. They cannot be reached on foot.
66. Bài 66
Questions 11 – 14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Oniton Hall
11. Many past owners made changes to
A. the gardens.
B. the house.
C. the farm.
12. Sir Edward Downes built Oniton Hall because he wanted
A. a place for discussing politics.
B. a place to display his wealth.
C. a place for artists and writers.
13. Visitors can learn about the work of servants in the past from
A. audio guides.
B. photographs.
C. people in costume.
14. What is new for children at Onion Hall?
A. clothes for dressing up
B. mini tractors
C. the adventure playground
Questions 15-20
Which activity is offered at each of the following locations on the farm?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 15-20.
A. shopping
B. watching cows being milked
C. seeing old farming equipment
D. eating and drinking
E. starting a trip
F. seeing rare breeds of animals
G. helping to look after animals
H. using farming tools
Locations on the farm
15. dairy ………………….
16. large barn ………………….
17. small barn ………………….
18. stables ………………….
19. shed ………………….
20. parkland ………………….
67. Bài 67
Questions 11 – 14
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO facts are given about the school’s extended hours childcare service?
A. It started recently.
B. More children attend after school than before school.
C. An average of 50 children attend in the mornings.
D. A child cannot attend both the before and after school sessions.
E. The maximum number of children who can attend is 70.
Questions 13-15
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
13. How much does childcare cost for a complete afternoon session per child?
A. £3.50
B. £5.70
C. £7.20
14. What does the manager say about food?
A. Children with allergies should bring their own food.
B. Children may bring healthy snacks with them.
C. Children are given a proper meal at 5 p.m.
15. What is different about arrangements in the school holidays?
A. Children from other schools can attend.
B. Older children can attend.
C. A greater number of children can attend.
Questions 16-20
What information is given about each of the following activities on offer?
Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 16-20.
A. has limited availability
B. is no longer available
C. is for over 8s only
D. requires help from parents
E. involves an additional fee
F. is a new activity
G. was requested by children
16. Spanish ………………
17. Music ………………
18. Painting ………………
19. Yoga ………………
20. Cooking ………………
68. Bài 68
Questions 11 – 14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
11. Many hotel managers are unaware that their staff often leave because of
A. a lack of training.
B. long hours.
C. low pay.
12. What is the impact of high staff turnover on managers?
A. an increased workload
B. low morale
C. an inability to meet targets
13. What mistake should managers always avoid?
A. failing to treat staff equally
B. reorganising shifts without warning
C. neglecting to have enough staff during busy periods
14. What unexpected benefit did Dunwich Hotel notice after improving staff retention rates?
A. a fall in customer complaints
B. an increase in loyalty club membership
C. a rise in spending per customer
Questions 15-20
Which way of reducing staff turnover was used in each of the following hotels?
Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to Questions 15-20.
Ways of reducing staff turnover
A. improving relationships and teamwork
B. offering incentives and financial benefits
C. providing career opportunities
15. The Sun Club ……………….
16. The Portland ……………….
17. Bluewater Hotels ……………….
18. Pentlow Hotels ……………….
19. Green Planet ……………….
20. The Amesbury ……………….
69. Bài 69
Questions 11-14
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Questions 15-20
Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer.
15. You need to have a___________to buy a ticket for£10.
16. The bus tour lasts___________in total.
17. The cost of the bus ticket includes entrance to the___________.
18. You can listen to an audio commentary which has been made by the___________.
19. If the weather is wet, it is a good idea to bring___________.
20. Don’t forget to bring your___________when you book online.
70. Bài 70
Questions 11—17
Answers the questions below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Sea Life Centre- information
11. What was the sea life Centre previously called? ................................................
12. What is the newest attraction called? ................................................
13.When is the main feeding time? ................................................
14.What can you do with a VIP ticket? ................................................
15. What special event will the Sea Life Centre arrange for you? ................................................
16. Where will the Petition for animal conservation be sent to? ................................................
17. What can you use to test what you have learnt? ................................................
Questions 18—20
What does the guide say about each attraction?
Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter A to E, next to questions 18-20.
A. Aquarium
B. Crocodile Cave
C. Penguin Park
D. Seal Centre
E. Turtle Town
18. must not miss…………..
19. temporarily closed………..
20. large queues…………….
71. Bài 71
Questions 11-14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
11. The next event at the hotel will be a
A. trade fair.
B. wedding.
C. party.
12. The number of guests will be
A. less than 50.
B. from 50 to 100.
C. more than 100.
13. Guests will start arriving at
A. 7.15.
B. 7.30.
C. 7.45.
14. The entertainment will be a
A. live band.
B. comedian.
C. magician.
Questions 15-17
Who will be responsible for the following jobs as the guests arrive?
Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-E, next to Questions 15-17.
A. Susan
B. Ahmed
C. Gary
D. Olav
E. Monica
15. offer drinks to guests ……………………
16. take guests’ coats and hats ……………………
17. show guests where to go ……………………
Questions 18-20
Answer the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
General instructions
In order to get the guests to move to the restaurant the hotel manager will 18……………………
Seating plans will be placed on each table and also in the 19……………………
There will be a total of three 20……………………
72. Bài 72
Question 11 and 12
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO tasks will the volunteers in Groups A be responsible for?
A. widening pathways
B. planting trees
C. picking up rubbish
D. putting up signs
E. building fences
Question 13 and 14
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO items should volunteers in Group A bring with them?
A. food and water
B. boots
C. gloves
D. raincoats
E. their own tools
Question 15 - 20
Label the plan below. Write the correct letter, A-I, next to Questions 15 - 20.
15. Vegetable beds ....................
16. Bee hives ............................
17. Seating .............................
18. Adventure playground ...........................
19. Sand area .............................
20. Pond ...........................
73. Bài 73
Questions 11-15
Label the map below. Write the correct letter, A-H, next to Question 11-15.
11. Supermarket …………………..
12. Climbing supplies store …………………..
13. Museum …………………..
14. Bike hire …………………..
15. Café…………………..
Questions 16-20
What comment does the speaker make about each of the following tracks?
Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to Question 16-20.
A. It is possible to get lost here.
B. It only offers basic accommodation.
C. It requires physical strength.
16. North Point
17. Silver River
18. Valley Crossing
19. Stonebridge
20. Henderson Ridge
74. Bài 74
Questions 11-15
Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
The police officer suggests neighbours give each other their (11)…………….
Neighbours should discuss what to do if there’s any kind of (12)………………….
It’s a good idea to leave on the (13)……………………
Think carefully about where you put any (14)……………………
It’s a good idea to buy good-quality (15)……………………….
Questions 16-20
Which crime prevention measure is proposed for each area affected by crime?
Choose FIVE answers from the box and write correct letter A-G next to questions 16-20.
Proposed crime prevention measures
A. install more lighting
B. have more police officers on patrol
C. remove surrounding vegetation
D. contact local police
E. fix damage quickly
F. change road design
G. use security cameras
Areas affected by crime
16. skate park …………….
17. local primary schools ………….
18. Abbostford street ……………..
19. shops on Victoria street ……………….
20. supermarket car park ……………….
75. Bài 75
Questions 11-16
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
11. The land where the Sculpture Park is located was previously
A. completely covered by forest.
B. the site of a private house.
C. occupied by a factory.
12. What is unusual about the Anglia Sculpture Park?
A. Artists have made sculptures especially for it.
B. Some of its sculptures were donated by the artists.
C. It only shows contemporary sculptures.
13. What is the theme of Joe Tremain’s ‘burnt’ sculptures?
A. the contrast between nature and urban life
B. the effect of man on the environment
C. the violence of nature
14. The path by the Lower Lake
A. is rather wet in some places.
B. has recently been repaired.
C. is difficult to walk on.
15. What does the speaker say about the Visitor Centre?
A. It is being enlarged at present.
B. It has received an international award.
C. It was designed by a Canadian architect.
16. Today, visitors can buy snacks and sandwiches
A. at the kiosk.
B. in the Terrace Room.
C. at the Lower Lake Cafe.
Questions 17-20
Label the map below. Write the correct letter, A-F, next to Question 17-20.
76. Bài 76
Questions 11-15
Label the plan below. Write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 11-15.
Plan of Learning Resource Centre
11. Newspapers ………………
12. Computers ………………
13. Photocopier ………………
14. Café ………………
15. Sports books ………………
Questions 16-20
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
New staff responsibilities
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