Bên cạnh PHÂN TÍCH ĐỀ THI TASK 1 VIẾT THƯ NGÀY 05/7/2020"you are going to take a holiday and your friend agrees to stay at your house. Write a letter to him for"IELTS WRITING GENERAL MÁY TÍNH (kèm bài được sửa HS đạt 6.0 đi thi thật), IELTS cũng cung cấp Tổng hợp Section 3-4 topic Technology (Computer, Science…) IELTS LISTENING.
I. Kiến thức liên quan
II. Tổng hợp Section 3 - 4 topic Technology (Computer, Science…) IELTS LISTENING
1. Bài 1
Questions 22-25
Complete the factsheet. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
FACTSHEET - Aluminium Cans
- (22) ............. produced every day in the US — more cans produced than nails or (23) ........................
- each can weigh 0.48 ounces - thinner than two (24) ...................................
- can take more than 90 pounds of pressure per square inch - over (25) ................. the pressure of a car tyre.
Questions 26-30
Label the aluminium can. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
2. Bài 2
Questions 21-30
Complete the form below.
3. Bài 3
Questions 31-35
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Preparation for fieldwork trip to Namibia in (31) .............................
Rock art in Namibia may be
- Paintings
- Engravings
Earliest explanation of engravings of animal footprints
They were used to help (32) ................. learn about tracking.
- Why are the tracks usually (33) ......................... ?
- Why are some engravings realistic and other realistic?
- Why are the unrealistic animals sometimes half (34) ...................... ?
More recent explanation
Wise men may have been trying to control wild animals with (35) ..........................
Questions 36-40
Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
36. If you look at a site from a ..................., you reduce visitor pressure.
37. To camp on a site may be disrespectful to people from that .......................
38. Undiscovered material may be damaged by ........................
39. You should avoid .................. or tracing rock art as it is so fragile.
40. In general, your aim is to leave the site .....................
4. Bài 4
Questions 31-36
Australian Aboriginal Rock Paintings
Which painting styles have the following features?
Write the correct letter A, B or C, next to questions 31-36.
Painting Styles
A. Dynamic
B. Yam
C. Modern
31. figures revealing bones………………………..
32. rounded figures………………………..
33. figures with parts missing………………………..
34. figures smaller than life size………………………..
35. sea creatures………………………..
36. plants………………………..
Questions 37-40
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Rainbow Serpents Project
Aim of project: to identify the 37……………………….. used as the basics for the Rainbow Serpent
Yam Period
- environment changes led to higher 38 ………………………..
- traditional activities were affected, especially 39 ………………………..
Rainbow Serpent image
- similar to a sea horse
- unusual because it appeared in inland areas
- symbolizes 40 ……………………….. in Aboriginal culture
5. Bài 5
Questions 31 – 33
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Nanotechnology: technology on a small scale
31. The speaker says that one problem with nanotechnology is that
A. it could threaten our way of life.
B. it could be used to spy on people.
C. it is misunderstood by the public.
32. According to the speaker, some scientists believe that nono-particles
A. should be restricted to secure environments.
B. should be used with more caution.
C. should only be developed for essential products.
33. In the speaker’s opinion, research into nanotechnology
A. has yet to win popular support.
B. could be seen as unethical.
C. ought to be continued.
Questions 34-40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Uses of Nanotechnology
- Nanotechnology could allow the development of stronger 34……………..
- Planes would be much lighter in weight.
- 35…………… travel will be made available to the masses.
- Computers will be even smaller, faster, and will have a greater 36……………..
- 37……………. Energy will become more affordable.
The Environment
- Nano-robots could rebuild the ozone layer.
- Pollutants such as 38……………. could be removed from water
- There will be no 39……………. from manufacturing.
Health and Medicine
- New methods of food production could eradicate famine.
- Analysis of medical 40……………. will be speeded up.
- Life expectancy could be increased.
6. Bài 6
Questions 31 – 40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
- The designer of a public building may need to consider the building’s
- function
- physical and 31…………….. context
- symbolic meaning
Location and concept of the Concert Hall
On the site of a disused 32………………
Beside a 33………………
The design is based on the concept of a mystery
Building design
It’s approached by a 34……………… for pedestrians
The building is the shape of a 35……………….
One exterior wall acts as a large 36………………
In the auditorium:
- the floor is built on huge pads made of 37………………
- the walls are made of local wood and are 38……………… in shape
- ceiling panels and 39………………. on walls allow adjustment of acoustics
Some critics say the 40…………….. style of the building is inappropriate
7. Bài 7
Questions 21 – 26
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Questions 27-30
Who is going to write each of the following parts of the report?
Write the correct letter, A-D, next to Questions 27-30.
A. Helen only
B. Jeremy only
C. both Helen and Jeremy
D. neither Helen nor Jeremy
Parts of the report
27. how they planned the project
28. how they had ideas for their stories
29. an interpretation of their stories
30. comments on the illustrations
8. Bài 8
Questions 21 – 24
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Questions 25 – 30
What do the speakers say about each of the following films?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 25-30.
A. clearly shows the historical period
B. contains only parts of the play
C. is too similar to another kind of film
D. turned out to be unpopular with audiences
E. presents the play in a different period from the original
F. sets the original in a different country
G. incorporates a variety of art forms
25. Ran ……………
26. Much Ado About Nothing ……………
27. Romeo & Juliet ……………
28. Hamlet ……………
29. Prospero’s Books ……………
30. Looking for Richard ……………
9. Bài 9
Questions 21 – 25
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Planning a presentation on nanotechnology
21. Russ says that his difficulty in planning the presentation is due to
A. his lack of knowledge about the topic.
B. his uncertainly about what he should try to achieve.
C. the short time that he has for preparation.
22. Russ and his tutor agree that his approach in the presentation will be
A. to concentrate on how nanotechnology is used in one field.
B. to follow the chronological development of nanotechnology.
C. to show the range of applications of nanotechnology.
23. In connection with slides, the tutor advises Russ to
A. talk about things that he can find slides to illustrate.
B. look for slides to illustrate the points he makes.
C. consider omitting slides altogether.
24. They both agree that the best way for Russ to start his presentation is
A. to encourage the audience to talk.
B. to explain what Russ intends to do.
C. to provide an example.
25. What does the tutor advise Russ to do next while preparing his presentation?
A. summarise the main point he wants to make
B. read the notes he has already made
C. list the topics he wants to cover
Questions 26 – 30
What comments do the speakers make about each of the following aspects of Russ’s previous presentation?
Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 26-30.
A. lacked a conclusion
B. useful in the future
C. not enough
D. sometimes distracting
E. showed originality
F. covered a wide range
G. not too technical
Aspects of Russ’s previous presentation
26. structure …………….
27. eye contact …………….
28. body language …………….
29. choice of words …………….
30. handouts …………….
10. Bài 10
Questions 21 – 24
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Project on using natural dyes to colour fabrics
21. What first inspired Jim to choose this project?
A. textiles displayed in an exhibition
B. a book about a botanic garden
C. carpets he saw on holiday
22. Jim eventually decided to do a practical investigation which involved
A. using a range of dyes with different fibres.
B. applying different dyes to one type of fibre.
C. testing one dye and a range of fibres.
23. When doing his experiments, Jim was surprised by
A. how much natural material was needed to make the dye.
B. the fact that dyes were widely available on the internet.
C. the time that he had to leave the fabric in the dye.
24. What problem did Jim have with using tartrazine as a fabric dye?
A. It caused a slight allergic reaction.
B. It was not a permanent dye on cotton.
C. It was ineffective when used on nylon.
Questions 25 – 30
What problem is identified with each of the following natural dyes?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 25-30.
A. It is expensive.
B. The colour is too strong.
C. The colour is not long-lasting.
D. It is very poisonous.
E. It can damage the fabric.
F. The colour may be unexpected.
G. It is unsuitable for some fabrics.
H. It is not generally available
Natural dyes
25. turmeric ……………
26. beetroot ……………
27. Tyrian purple ……………
28. logwood ……………
29. cochineal ……………
30. metal oxide ……………
11. Bài 11
Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
The hunt for sunken settlements and ancient shipwrecks
- was a village on coast of eastern Mediterranean
- thrived until about 7,000 BC
- stones homes had a courtyard
- had a semicircle of large stones round a 31…………………
- cause of destruction unknown – now under the sea
- biggest settlement from the prehistoric period found on the seabed
- research carried out into structures, 32………………… and human remains
- used in the oil industry, e.g. to make 33………………….
- problems: they were expensive and 34…………………..
- much easier to use, relatively cheap, sophisticated
- Marzamemi, Sicily: found ancient Roman ships carrying architectural elements made of 35………………
Underwater internet:
- 36……………… is used for short distance communication, acoustic waves for long distance
- plans for communication with researchers by satellite
- AUV can send data to another AUV that has better 3…………………, for example
Planned research in Gulf of Baratti:
- to find out more about wrecks of ancient Roman ships, including
- one carrying 38………………… supplies; tables may have been used for cleaning the 39…………………
- others carrying containers of olive oil or 40…………………
12. Bài 12
Questions 21 and 22
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO groups of people is the display primarily intended for?
A. student from the English department
B. residents of the local area
C. the university’s teaching staff
D. potential new students
E. students from other departments
Questions 23 and 24
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
What are Cathy and Graham’s TWO reasons for choosing the novelist Charles Dickens?
A. His speeches inspired others to try to improve society.
B. He used his publications to draw attention to social problems.
C. His novels are well-known now.
D. He was consulted on a number of social issues.
E. His reputation has changed in recent times.
Questions 25-30
What topic do Cathy and Graham choose to illustrate with each novel?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 25-30.
A. poverty
B. education
C. Dickens’s travels
D. entertainment
E. crime and the law
F. wealth
G. medicine
H. a woman’s life
Novels by Dickens
25. The Pickwick Papers …………..
26. Oliver Twist …………..
27. Nicholas Nickleby …………..
28. Martin Chuzzlewit …………..
29. Bleak House …………..
30. Little Dorrit …………..
13. Bài 13
Questions 21 – 24
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Presentation about refrigeration
21. What did Annie discover from reading about icehouses?
A. why they were first created
B. how the ice was kept frozen
C. where they were located
22. What point does Annie make about refrigeration in ancient Rome?
A. It became a commercial business.
B. It used snow from nearby.
C. It took a long time to become popular.
23. In connection with modern refrigerator, both Annie and Jack are worried about
A. the complexity of the technology.
B. the fact that some are disposed of irresponsibly.
C. the large number that quickly break down.
24. What do Jack and Annie agree regarding domestic fridges?
A. They are generally good value for money.
B. There are plenty of useful variations.
C. They are more useful than other domestic appliances.
Questions 25-30
Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to Questions 25-30.
Who is going to do research into each topic?
A. Annie
B. Jack
C. both Annie and Jack
25. the goods that are refrigerated ……………
26. the effects on health ……………
27. the impact on food producers ……………
28. the impact on cities ……………
29. refrigerated transport ……………
30. domestic fridges ……………
14. Bài 14
Questions 31 – 40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Hand knitting
Interest in knitting
- Knitting has a long history around the world.
- We imagine someone like a 31 ……………… knitting.
- A 32 ……………… ago, knitting was expected to disappear.
- The number of knitting classes is now increasing.
- People are buying more 33 ……………… for knitting nowadays.
Benefits of knitting
- gives support in times of 34 ……………… difficulty
- requires only 35 ……………… skills and little money to start
- reduces stress in a busy life
Early knitting
- The origins are not known.
- Findings show early knitted items to be 36 ……………… in shape.
- The first needles were made of natural materials such as wood and 37 ……………… .
- Early yarns felt 38 ……………… to touch.
- Wool became the most popular yarn for spinning.
- Geographical areas had their own 39 ……………… of knitting.
- Everyday tasks like looking after 40 ……………… were done while knitting.
15. Bài 15
Questions 31 – 40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
The impact of digital technology on the Icelandic language
The Icelandic language
- has approximately 31 …………………… speakers
- has a 32 …………………… that is still growing
- has not changed a lot over the last thousand years
- has its own words for computer-based concepts, such as web browser and 33 ……………………
Young speakers
- are big users of digital technology, such as 34 ……………………
- are becoming 35 …………………… very quickly
- are having discussions using only English while they are in the 36 …………………… at school
- are better able to identify the content of a 37 …………………… in English than Icelandic
Technology and internet companies
- write very little in Icelandic because of the small number of speakers and because of how complicated its 38 …………… is
The Icelandic government
- has set up a fund to support the production of more digital content in the language
- believes that Icelandic has a secure future
- is worried that young Icelanders may lose their 39 …………………… as Icelanders
- is worried about the consequences of children not being 40 …………………… in either Icelandic or English
16. Bài 16
Questions 21-26
Choose the correct answer, A,B or C.
21. Dave Hadley says that the computer system has
A. too many users.
B. never worked well.
C. become outdated.
22. The main problem with the computer system is that it
A. is too slow
B. stops working
C. displays incorrect data
23. Timetabling has become an issue because
A. there is not enough time for anyone to do it.
B. the system does not handle course options.
C. the courses are constantly changing.
24. To solve the timetabling issues, Randhir suggests that
A. students should create their own timetables
B. Dave should have someone to assist him.
C. the number of courses should be reduced.
25. Randhir says that a new system may
A. need to be trialled.
B. still to be trialled
C. be more economical
26. Improving the existing system will take
A. a few weeks.
B. four or five months.
C. nine months
Questions 27-30
Complete the flow-chart below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
17. Bài 17
Questions 31-36
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Rock art
Why rock art is important to researchers
It provides evidence about
- evolution
- 31…………………..
Global similarities in rock art
- human often had large 32…………………..
- animals were common, but a 33…….. was always drawn from the side or from above.
- unlikely that contact through 34………………….. resulted in similar artistic styles
Why our ancestors produced rock art
Research suggests rock art was produced
- firstly for reasons of 35…………………..
- later for social, spiritual and 36…………………..reasons.
Questions 37-40
Answer the questions below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
What TWO images drawn by Aboriginal people show their contact with Europeans?
- 37…………………..
- 38…………………..
Which human activities does the lecture say are the main threats to Aboriginal rock art?
- 39…………………..
- 40…………………..
18. Bài 18
Questions 31 - 40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
History of Fireworks in Europe
13th-16th centuries
- Fireworks were introduced from China.
- Their use was mainly to do with:
- war
- 31………………….. (in plays and festivals)
17th centuries
- Various features of 32………………….. were shown in fireworks displays.
- Scientists were interested in using ideas from fireworks displays:
- to make human 33………………….. possible
- to show the formation of 34…………………..
- London
- Scientists were distrustful at first
- Later, they investigated 35…………………..uses of fireworks (e.g. for sailors
- St Petersburg
- Fireworks were seen as a method of 36…………………..for people
- Paris
- Displays emphasized the power of the 37…………………..
- Scientists aimed to provide 38…………………..
18th centuries
- Italian fireworks specialists became influential.
- Servandoni’s fireworks display followed the same pattern as an 39…………………..
- The appeal of fireworks extended to the middle classes.
- Some displays demonstrated new scientific discoveries such as 40…………………..
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